


Matt the musician is sitting at Once Over Coffee in Austin, Texas as we speak. He’s enjoying a cup of coffee while we wait. Matt the Electrician is at 24 degrees Celsius. It’s perfect sunshine and he is watching the birds in trees. It’s hard. We discover that MP3’s are just as important to his ears.

Matt seems to have made the right decision by becoming a successful, full-time musician. His catchy folk-rock album “Accidental Thief”, which he released in 2011, was awarded Album of the Week on Danish National Radio. He is content that he has shifted to music.

Absolutely, Matt the Electrician

It is an incredible feeling to know you are doing what you love and still making a living.

Accidental Thief

This resulted is an album with a warm, playful and organic sound – almost as if it were a trusted companion. Why is “Accidental Thief” such a strange title?

The title song was written by John Elliott, Los Angeles, CA. The song was loosely written about John’s incident of accidentally taking a pair of sunglasses from the convenience store and setting them on his head. Once we started to get into the song, it became more about John’s experience of accidentally stealing a pair of sunglasses from a convenience store after setting them on his head. Matt explains how the song evolved artistically.

The song is a statement. Thematically, it is easy to live life without realizing how your actions affect others. My songs are often written from my point of view. This makes them intrinsically selfish or at the very least self-involved. It is my opinion that using the title as the title for the record is an acceptance of this theory. However, it is also an awareness of the possibility, which I believe is a step in the right direction.

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Nordic Connection

American musician, now-musician, sits in his favorite coffee shop in sunny Austin. The DALI office, however, is located in Denmark, which is cold and wintery. However, there is an anticlimactic connection. Many of the songs on the album were co-written, which is becoming more common in music. Matt the Electrician participated in The House of Songs. This is a joint song writing exchange between Austin, Texas and Denmark. He went to Denmark with other writers from the USA, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Denmark, and The Faroe Islands, and he wrote music at Engelsholm Castle. The album was completed and recorded later on in the USA.- “All I Know” was the first track. It was written with Therese from Norway. We focused on the theme of family vacations and the emotions of falling in love for the very first time. “Ghost Story” is another song that Ida Wenoe Beach and I co-wrote in Denmark. We were told Engelsholm Castle was haunted and we felt it only right that we wrote a song about ghosts. Matt agrees.